Columbia Heights Loves Kids!

"Start children off on the way they should go, and even when they are old they will not turn from it". - Proverbs 22:6

Here at Columbia Heights we take great pride in offering wonderful children's programs for various ages. We offer children's Sunday school classes at each service that we call Bible Zone for ages 4yrs old - 5th grade (click on the Bible Zone tab to learn more). We also offer a great youth program through our CHUMC Youth group called Youth Warriors for Christ, lead by our wonderful Youth Directors, kids in grades 6-12 have fun filled evenings making friends, playing games, learning about Jesus, and loving every minute of it (to learn more click on the Youth Group tab).

We also offer different family friendly activities throughout the year that we call Family Fun Nights, they include events such as: Easter Egg Hunt, Talent Show, Star Wars Youth Night, Camp Out, Picnic at the Park, Trunk or Treat, and more!