Childrens Ministries

Nursery & Bible Zone

We love Families and Kids!  Just as Jesus invited the little children to come to him, we also count it a privilege to be able to serve our little ones and show them that same love.  Our desire at Columbia Heights is to welcome new families and to provide an environment that kids will enjoy coming to on Sunday mornings and at other fun family opportunities.  

Bible Zone programs

Children ages 0-5 yrs old

During our 9:00 service - Bible Zone 9.0. Those kiddos who are in grades 1-5 will be in our youth room for a video Bible story, then engage in more teaching and some fun small group activities.  

Nursery care is provided for children ages 0-2 years old during both services in a fun room full of toys!  Changing facilities are available, along with a toddler-sized adjoining bathroom for those who are potty-training.  Our caregivers have undergone an application process and background check, and the doors have mirrored glass to make it easy for parents to peek in and check on little ones.